Choosing a Desirable Diamond Shape

Diamond Shapes

Picking the perfect diamond isn’t just about the quality, it’s also about the style. Here are some of the most popular shapes you are most likely to encounter on your mission to pick the perfect diamond engagement ring.

ROUND CUT  round diamond cut

Style: classic, elegant, sparkling

Round- cut is by far the best-selling diamond out there and makes up about 75 percent of the world’s market – and for good reason. It’s possibly the most cost-effective diamond cut for the brilliance because of its usually uniform facets. It’s almost impossible to go wrong with a round cut due to its symmetry and shape.

Capri Jewelers Arizona believes that a round cut diamond look is perfect for the woman looking to display her classy, elegant, and timeless nature. Today most round diamonds are cut in the brilliant style. This means that they have more facets and angles. Previously, diamonds were cut with larger more open facets in the old mine way. These diamonds are still available in the market today, however; they are a lot less common than brilliant round diamonds.

OVAL CUT:  oval diamond cut

Style: classic, graceful, elegant

Oval cut diamond look stunning on long, slender fingers and offer almost the same brilliance as the round-shaped diamonds. Created by Lazare Kaplan in the 1960's, oval diamonds are a modified brilliant cut (like virtually all round cuts). Because the two shapes (round and oval) possess a similar fire and brilliance, the oval is an ideal choice for a customer who likes the look of a round diamond, but wants something more unique. As mentioned earlier, oval diamonds have the added advantage of an elongated shape, which can create the illusion of greater size. The slender shape can also make the finger of the wearer appear longer and slimmer, an effect often desired (the bigger the better look).

PRINCESS CUT:  princess cut diamond

Style: trendy, beautiful, angelic

This exceedingly popular fancy diamond is a square cut, created in the 1960s. It has a hidden advantage in its four corners: Keeping the square shape means that about 80 percent of the rough diamond is retained, as opposed to the 50 percent maintained in a round cut. That means the diamond ends up slightly more affordable by weight.

The ideal princess-cut diamond is an exact square, but many are actually slightly rectangular – and therefore lower in price. This can translate into a bargain for many buyers, because any rectangularity may be hardly noticeable, or easily masked with proper mounting. Princess-cut diamonds are so popular in part because of their ability to work with practically any setting.

Different diamond shapes have different advantages, and for the princess cut, they are environmental; since princess cut uses up to 80% of the rough diamond which means that this diamond is not only beautiful, but also better for the environment than most other diamond shapes.

MARQUISE CUT:  marquees cut diamond

Style: dramatic, moving, joyful

The marquise cut diamond goes by many nicknames, including the football cut, boat cut and eye cut. The Marquise-cut diamond is a modification of the brilliant cut that results in an oblong, football-shaped diamond. By carat weight, the marquise cut has one of the largest surface areas of any diamond shape. That means it’s a great option if you’re interested in maximizing the perceived size of your diamond. While this diamond shape is not the most popular of all of the diamond shapes, its intriguing shape and style are still incredibly beautiful; this cut allows the bride much more creativity in her ring choice.

EMERALD CUT:  emerald cut diamond

Style: modern, bold, glamorous

Emerald diamond cuts were some of the very first diamond cuts in the world. However, they were not standardized until 1940 because of their closeness with other diamond cuts. This cut is perfect for colored gemstones as well as high-quality diamonds; if choosing an emerald cut, it is recommended not to compromise in diamond quality because the style emphasizes the color in the stone.

Emerald cut diamonds have a unique look thanks to their step-shaped cuts and large, flat face. In contrast to the sparkle of brilliant-cut diamonds, emerald cuts produce an effect that’s more like looking down a hall of mirrors. It is a very elegant cut that catches the eye much differently than a classic round cut would, but the flat surface makes any inclusions stand out more than other cuts.

Color evaluation of these diamonds is quite subjective. When the diamond contains more flat surfaces, having a slightly warmer tone can be easier on the eyes than the coolness of a colorless diamond. As for proportions, there is no ideal. Emerald cuts range from square to rectangle with personal preference governing your choice.

CUSHION CUT:  cushion cut diamond

Style: romantic, graceful, sophisticated

This diamond variation takes the square cut of the emerald and pairs it with rounded edges, producing the pillow-like appearance that gives the cut its name. This cut is more than 200 years old, and for the first half of that time it enjoyed popularity on par with that of brilliant round-cut diamonds today.

The cushion cut is special in the fact that it can come in a multitude of ratios, making it either square or rectangular. Additionally, the corners of this stone are rounded which allows for it to be paired with a woman with an active and trendy lifestyle.

Cushion cuts blend the energy of a round brilliant with the symmetry of a radiant cut. It's romantic appeal is reflected in its larger 58 facets and rounded, squared corners. Larger facets can show clarity inclusions, so evaluate the location of inclusions by examining the certificate's diamond plot. Cushion cuts are popular in both square and rectangular shapes. Square cuts are generally a bit rarer, but do look more symmetrical in an engagement ring. Cushion cut diamonds have great fire (the light that is reflected out of a diamond in a rainbow of color).

HEART SHAPED CUT:  heart shaped diamond

Style: romantic, unique, elegant

Nothing says love like a heart-shaped diamond cut. The modified brilliant-cut heart shaped diamond is a unique and unmistakable symbol of love. This unmistakable iteration of the brilliant cut is most popular in rings and pendants. It may be unwise to choose a heart-shaped cut if the diamond is less than .50 carats.

The diamond should be large enough to identify the heart shape, as well as symmetrical. They can come in a range of silhouettes, from narrow to wide. Though the standard length to width ratio for these diamonds is 1 to 1, personal preference and the diamond setting will make the difference in choice. For example, a longer, narrower heart-shaped diamond may look better on a pendant than on a ring, and a wider diamond might enhance a ring setting.

Hey! What better choice for the hopeless romantic? Important fact, heart shapes must be created carefully to maintain balance and brilliance.

PEAR CUT:  pear cut diamond

Style: contemporary, unique, gentle

The pear shaped diamond settings take into account marquise shaped diamonds and oval shaped diamonds in order to create a more brilliant and magical diamond cut. A pear shaped diamond engagement ring is incredibly unique, and many women praise its one-of-a-kind nature. A pear shaped diamond ring is unmistakable because the stone is in the shape of a teardrop with a slightly flatter and larger bottom with a the rest of the diamond coming to a skinny point at the top of the stone.

The pear shape diamond is artistic due to its many stylish variations. With 58 facets, light dances through the diamond similar to a round brilliant, maximizing sparkle. It's teardrop appearance leaves a lasting impression.

ASSCHER CUT:   asscher cut diamond

Style: balanced, vintage, creative

The asscher cut diamond was originally developed in 1902, making it relatively old in the terms of diamond cuts. This stone is nearly octagonal in shape due to all of its curved edges. Asscher cuts give off a timeless effect with their vintage and unique designs.

Additionally, asscher cut diamonds are understated diamond ring shapes due to their step-cut facets; these facets create more of a soft glow emanating from the stone than a brilliant statement piece.

The asscher cut is (also a step cut diamond like the emerald cut) is a blend of the princess and emerald cuts with X-shaped facets from its corners to its center culet. The brilliance of its faceting can mask certain inclusions and lower color grades. Asscher cut diamonds have a clean balance, visual appeal, and can reflect clarity inclusions and color. Higher grades in both categories are generally recommended.

RADIANT CUT:  radiant cut diamond

Style: fiery, diva, provocative

The radiant cut diamond is considered to be one of the shiniest cuts of diamonds because of its 70-facet cut. Jewelers tend to say that this cut is geared more towards energetic and bubbly women because with all of the perfectly-cut facets, the diamond will be sure to not go unnoticed.

A beautifully symmetrical, non-traditional cut, the radiant cut combines the brilliance of a round and the purity of an emerald cut. Trimmed corners give it versatility among all kinds of jewelry, especially engagement rings. The faceting of a radiant cut gives it a fiery look compared to a princess cut, while maintaining soft, cut corners. The radiant fuses the plus points of other popular diamond shapes. The rectangular radiant cut is an excellent option for buyers who like the emerald cut shape, but want something with the brilliance of a round.

There is no right or wrong shape for an engagement ring diamond, so let your heart decide the perfect shape for you and your lady love.